From the research project Piano Traditions Through Their Genealogy Trees, by Daniel Pereira.

Adele Aus der Ohe
Hanover, February 11, 1861 — December 8, Berlin, 1937
An idolized pianist in the United States, she toured there during 17 consecutive seasons, including 51 appearances with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the performance of Tchaikovsky´s First Piano Concerto at Carnegie Hall´s inaugural concerts in 1891, with the composer conducting. She appeared with Tchaikovsky again in 1893 playing the same concerto in Saint Petersburg, days before his sudden death. She was also a composer.

Walter Bache
Birmingham, June 19, 1842 — London, March 26, 1888
Pianist and composer, and a crucial figure in promoting the works of Franz Liszt in London, he devoted his career to mostly performing the Hungarian composers´ piano works as well as his own arrangements of the orchestral pieces. Along with Edward Dannreuther and Karl Klindworth, he formed a group called The Working Men´s Society, dedicated to advocate the works of Liszt, Wagner and the New German School. Bache, who studied with Liszt regularly for over three years, established a concert series in which not only the works of Liszt were performed, but there were accompanying in-depth notes regarding the interpretation and analysis of his works. Bache and Liszt appeared in concert together when the latter visited England in the Spring of 1886.

Julie Rivé-King [née Rivé]
Cincinnati, October 31, 1854 — Indianapolis, July 24, 1937
Married to her manager Frank H. King, she concertized in the United States and Canada performing a vast repertory including over 300 works by 75 composers. Piano firms such as Steinway, Chickering, Decker Brothers and Weber sponsored many of her concert tours. She taught at the Bush Conservatory in Chicago. Her husband published many of his compositions under her name.
You can access at any time the entire content of the project Piano Traditions Through Their Genealogy Trees, published on monthly instalments at the International Piano Archives at Maryland´s website (University of Maryland).

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